2ND GRADE STUDENTS EXPLORE JAPAN Ferndale Lower Elementary (FLower) students in second grade boarded Mrs. Keefe's imagination transportation on their annual flight to Japan just before the holiday break. Teachers, staff, and parents provided a culturally rich experience for the students in school through various activities. Students learned about clothing, traditions, art, cultural sites, and more! Thank you to everyone who supported this wonderful tradition this year.
about 1 year ago, Ferndale Public Schools
4 student sitting and coloring
We invite you to join our district leaders for the final Coffee Hour of this calendar year! GO EAGLES! Dec. 18th 6:00PM
about 1 year ago, Ferndale Public Schools
With all the excitement of the winter season, let's take a moment to remember the importance of driving safely around school buses. This quick safety video was provided by the Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukcCqmJzCPA
about 1 year ago, Ferndale Public Schools
Reminder! The first EARLY RELEASE Wednesday for the district is this week, Wed. Sept. 6th. ***TRANSPORTATION*** Any student taking bus transportation will arrive at their destination bus stop one hour earlier on these days. FECC Students can be picked up between 2:00 - 2:30. ECSE students will dismiss at 2:15 like they do every day LOWER ELEMENTARY Students will be dismissed at 2:28 PM UPPER ELEMENTARY Students will be dismissed at 2:38 PM FMS & FHS Students will be dismissed at 2:00 PM UHS Students will be dismissed at 1:50 PM #joymattersatferndaleschools
over 1 year ago, Ferndale Public Schools
wednesdays early release. ferndale schools